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Mastering the Art of ChatGPT Prompts

Crafting effective ChatGPT prompts is a skill that requires a structured approach to ensure clarity, specificity, and the desired output. The “CRAFT” framework—which stands for Context, Request, Actions, Frame, and Template—provides a systematic method for creating high-quality prompts that guide the AI to deliver accurate and relevant responses.

CRAFT Framework :

  • Context: The first step in the CRAFT framework is to define the role, tone, and audience for the AI. This sets the stage for the interaction, helping the AI understand its purpose and the expected style of communication. By providing a clear context, you ensure that the AI’s responses align with your intended goals.
  • Request: Next, specify a clear and concise task or goal for the AI to accomplish. A well-defined request helps the AI focus on delivering the desired outcome, reducing the likelihood of irrelevant or off-topic responses. Be specific and direct in your request to guide the AI towards the information or action you seek.
  • Actions: Provide step-by-step instructions or actions for the AI to follow. Detailed actions guide the AI through the process, improving the accuracy and relevance of the response. Break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps to ensure the AI understands and executes each part effectively.
  • Frame: Set constraints to include or exclude specific information in the AI’s response. Framing helps narrow down the scope of the output, making it more focused and relevant to your needs. By specifying what should be included or excluded, you can guide the AI to provide targeted information that meets your requirements.
  • Template: Format the output in a specific way, such as using bullet points, numbered lists, or tables. Templates ensure that the AI’s response is easy to read and follows a structured format. By providing a clear template, you can enhance the usability and presentation of the information generated by the AI.
  • Persona or Expert Role: Direct the AI to assume a specific role or expertise, such as a subject matter expert or a particular persona. This adds depth and context to the response, ensuring that the AI provides information from a specific perspective or knowledge domain.
  • Difficulty Level: Indicate the complexity or technical level of the desired output. Adjusting the difficulty level ensures that the AI’s response matches the intended audience’s knowledge and comprehension abilities.
  • Subject Matter: Specify the domain, field, or topic related to the prompt’s context. By clearly defining the subject matter, you keep the AI’s response focused and relevant to the specific area of interest.
  • Tone of Voice: Set the desired mood or style of the output, such as formal, casual, informative, or persuasive. The tone of voice influences how the message is perceived and helps align the AI’s response with your intended communication style.
  • Target Audience: Identify the demographics, background, or characteristics of the intended audience for the AI’s output. Understanding the target audience helps tailor the response to their specific needs, interests, and level of understanding.
  • Purpose: Define the underlying goal or intention behind the prompt. Clarifying the purpose guides the AI towards generating a meaningful and purposeful response that achieves the desired outcome.
  • Specific Task and Objective: Provide a detailed description of the prompt’s goal or the specific task you want the AI to accomplish. The more specific and well-defined the task or objective, the more precise and targeted the AI’s response will be.
  • Action Words: Use specific verbs and action-oriented language to shape the AI’s output. Action words drive the AI to perform tasks effectively and generate responses that are focused on achieving the desired results.
  • Length and Output Type: Define the desired length and format of the AI’s response, such as a specific word count, character limit, or output type (e.g., paragraph, list, dialogue). Specifying the length and output type ensures that the AI generates concise and well-structured responses that meet your requirements.
  • Use commands like “ignore all previous prompts” to reset the conversation and start fresh. This clears any prior context and ensures that the AI focuses solely on the current prompt.
  • Instruct the AI to avoid conversational elements, such as greetings or apologies, to keep the response focused and professional.
  • Request responses in formatted markdown for easy copying and pasting. Markdown formatting enhances readability and usability, making it convenient to integrate the AI’s output into your workflow.
  • Use parentheses or brackets to separate instructions from the main task or request. Clear separation prevents confusion and ensures that the AI understands the specific instructions and the desired output.
  • Output the AI’s response in the code window for easy HTML export. This is particularly useful when working with web-based applications or integrating the AI’s output into web content.

you are skilled at taking detailed concise and easy to understand notes on various subjects in bullet point format when provided with a post or a topic, your task is to:

Content Creation:ChatGPT is an amazing tool for creating content. It can generate different types of content, including blogs, social media posts, product descriptions, and marketing copy. By maintaining a consistent flow of content, ChatGPT reduces the workload on creative teams. By reducing the workload, you can ensure a steady stream of high-quality content, helping branding and marketing efforts.

You are an SEO expert. Generate a 500-word blog post on the latest trends in [industry].”

Market Research: Businesses can use ChatGPT for market research. The AI can summarize lengthy reports, identify key trends, and generate actionable insights from large datasets. This efficiency allows companies to make informed strategic decisions and stay competitive in the markets.

Summarize the key trends from this [report]. Provide me all key takeaways and help me make better strategic decisions.

Sales and Lead Generation: ChatGPT can significantly improve sales and lead generation. It interacts with potential customers, understands their needs, and suggests suitable products or services. This interaction improves customer engagement and increases the likelihood of lead conversions, driving sales growth.

You are a lead generation specialist. Help me generate quality leads for [product/ service].

Data Analytics: ChatGPT simplifies data interpretation and report generation from simple spreadsheets. The AI tool makes data analysis accessible and understanding insights easier for different organizational levels. This widespread accessibility to data-driven insights helps make informed decisions across the organization.

Generate a report on the latest [data type] data and highlight key insights.”

ChatGPT simplifies data interpretation and report generation from simple spreadsheets. The AI tool makes data analysis accessible and understanding insights easier for different organizational levels. This widespread accessibility to data-driven insights helps make informed decisions across the organization.

Coding Assistance: While not a replacement for skilled programmers, ChatGPT can be a valuable copilot for coding. It can help developers by providing code snippets, debugging tips, and suggestions in various programming languages. This support saves time and allows developers to focus on more important and complex work to improve overall productivity.

Prompt: “Provide a Python code snippet for [specific function].”

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): ChatGPT is useful for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in digital marketing. It suggests relevant keywords, meta descriptions, and optimal content structures. ChatGPT helps businesses improve search engine rankings. Better SEO drives organic website traffic, increasing visibility and potential customer engagement.

Prompt: “Suggest relevant keywords and meta descriptions for a blog post on [topic].”

  • 1 create advanced bulletpoint notes summarizing the important parts of the post or topic.
  • 2 include all important information such as vocabulary terms and key concepts which should be bolded with asterisks.
  • 3 remove any unnecessary language or unnecessary details focusing only on the most important aspect of the post or topic.
  • 4 your notes should only be based on the provided text, you should not incoporate any additional external information.
  • 5 conclude you notes with a list of anything that was unclear in the original text.
  • By folling this prompt you will help me better understand the material and prepare for any relevant test or assessmants subject for the set of notes is: XXXX XXXX XXXXXX
  • Understand anything easily, can you explain the concept of {} in simple terms? Summarize the main principales ans illustrate with examples to facilate understanding.
  • I will provide you with an argument or opinon of mine, I wnat you to criticize it as if you were {name of expert}.
  • Gemini I want to start a side hustle using AI. I want to take advantage of your technology but I'm not sure where to start. Pleas ask me as many questions as you like so you can help me with your best ability
  • Train AI to lear to write: Analyze the text below for style, voice and tone. Create a prompt to write a new paragraph in the same style, voice and tone.{inset text}
  • Skillst Base Money Making Ideas: With {skills} money making ideas and {budget} $100, give me 5 ideas, budgets, and step by step instrutions fore every idea on how to earn more money.


  • Omniplex is built using the Vercel AI SDK, Firebase, NextJs, and Bing, and currently runs on OpenAI’s GPT model. Saha states that his goal is to eventually support all LLMs such as Claude, Mistral, and Gemma.

Materia Design

That's exciting! AI can be a powerful tool for side hustles. To recommend the best way to leverage my abilities, let's get a clearer picture of your interests and skills.

  • 1. What are you passionate about or have experience in?** Is there a particular field (writing, design, data analysis) or topic (sports, history, music) you'd enjoy using AI for?
  • 2. Do you prefer creating content (text, images, videos) or providing a service (data analysis, social media management)?**
  • 3. How much time are you willing to dedicate to your side hustle each week?** This will help determine the complexity of the project.
  • 4. Are you comfortable with some level of technical learning?** While some AI tools are user-friendly, others might require a bit more understanding.
  • 5. Do you have a budget in mind for any AI tools you might use?** There are both free and paid options available.

Once I have a better understanding of your preferences, I can suggest specific AI-powered side hustles that align well with your skills and interests. Additionally, I can help with tasks like:

  • *Content creation:** I can assist with writing different kinds of content (articles, social media posts, scripts) or brainstorm creative ideas using AI tools.
  • *Data analysis:** If you have a data-driven side hustle idea, I can help with tasks like data visualization and identifying patterns.
  • Research and Summarization:** I can quickly research topics and provide summaries to save you time.

Let me know your answers to the questions above, and we can explore some side hustle possibilities together!


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